Photo by Adrienne Sandusky
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz  This mural is a reflective line graph that visualizes population data from our sister cities.  Each city is represented by a color and is layered to show the increase and decline of population from the present to the 1
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz  A map of St. Louis with the Mississippi River situated at the top,  is anamorphically represented along this long corridor.  The shapes in the map represent city neighborhoods and are color coded based on population nu
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz  The Mississippi River shapes our city and community.  The rivers in our sister cities share this same importance.  This mural overlays color coded river patterns from all our sister cities and creates an idea of f
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 Photo by Jacob Berkowitz
 This color-coded medallion depicts the distance of our sister cities to St. Louis with St. Louis situated at the center of the installation.
 This mural shows the Elevation of St. Louis and our Sister Cities. Elevation data was collected on the highest, lowest and the center of each city to create a set of three data points. These point have been grafted out and reflected to create shapes
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